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- "Desain Institutional Dewan Kehormatan Penyelenggara Pemilu (DKPP) sebagai Peradilan Etik (Institutional Design of the Election Honor Council of The Republic of Indonesia as the Court of Ethics)." Jurnal Konstitusi Mahkamah Konstitusi, Volume 11 Nomor 2, Juni 2014.
"Mewujudkan Keadilan Melalui Upaya Hukum Peninjauan
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- Irfan Nur Rachman, Alboin Pasaribu, dan M Lutfi Chakim. Pengujian Formil Undang-Undang di Mahkamah Konstitusi (Teori, Hukum Acara, dan Studi Perbandingan). Depok: Rajawali Pers. 2021.
“Margin of Appreciation”, Magazine of the
Constitutional Court of Indonesia, No. 142 December 2018. (Read/Download)
“Global Constitutionalism”, Magazine of the
Constitutional Court of Indonesia, No. 141 November
2018. (Read/Download)
“The Principle of Proportionality”, Magazine of the
Constitutional Court of Indonesia, No. 139 September
2018. (Read/Download)
“Stare Decisis”, Magazine of
Constitutional Court of Indonesia, No. 136 June 2018. (Read/Download)
“Doctrine of Precedent”, Magazine of
Constitutional Court of Indonesia, No. 135 May 2018. (Read/Download)
“Fraksi Partai Politik di Parlemen (Political Party Faction in the Parliament)”, Magazine of
Constitutional Court of Indonesia, No. 134 April 2018. (Read/Download)
“Hak Recall Partai Politik (Recall Rights of Political Party)", Magazine of
Constitutional Court of Indonesia, No. 130 December 2017. (Read/Download)
“Parliament Unicameral and Bicameral”, Magazine of
Constitutional Court of Indonesia, No. 133 March 2018. (Read/Download)
“Litis Finiri Oportet”, Magazine of
Constitutional Court of Indonesia, No. 132 February 2018. (Read/Download)
“Pembatalan Hasil Pemilihan Presiden Kenya oleh MA (Disqualification of the
Results of Kenya's Presidential Election by the Supreme Court)", Magazine of Constitutional Court of Indonesia, No. 125 - July
2017. (Read/Download)
“Contrarius Actus", Magazine of Constitutional Court of Indonesia, No. 126 - August
2017. (Read/Download)
“Legal Standing Warga Negara Asing di MK Jerman dan Mongolia (Legal Standing of
Foreign Citizens at the Constitutional Court of Germany and Mongolia)", Magazine of Constitutional Court of Indonesia, No. 125 - July
2017. (Read/Download)
“Apersing &
Afdreiging", Magazine of Constitutional Court of
Indonesia, No. 124 - June 2017. (Read/Download)
“Sapta Karsa Hutama", Magazine of Constitutional Court of Indonesia (MK-RI), No. 122 - April
2017. (Read/Download)
“Jure Imperii dan
Jure Gestionis", Magazine of Constitutional Court
of Indonesia (MK-RI), No. 120 - February 2017. (Read/Download)
Bevel”, Magazine of Constitutional Court of Indonesia, No. 118 - December
2016. (Read/Download)
“Diversion”, Magazine of Constitutional Court of Indonesia, No. 116 - October
2016. (Read/Download)
“Defamation”, Magazine of Constitutional Court of Indonesia, No. 114 - Agustus
2016. (Read/Download)
“Pseudowetgeving”, Magazine of Constitutional Court of Indonesia, No. 112 - June
2016. (Read/Download)
“Insolvency”, Magazine of Constitutional Court of Indonesia, No. 110 - April
2016. (Read/Download)
“Samenspanning”, Magazine of Constitutional Court
of Indonesia, No. 108 - February 2016. (Read/Download)
“Provisionele Vonnis”, Magazine of Constitutional Court of Indonesia, No. 107
- January 2016. (Read/Download)
“Illicit Enrichment”, Magazine of Constitutional Court of Indonesia, No. 106 - December 2015. (Read/Download)
“Ethical Norms", Magazine of
Constitutional Court of Indonesia, No. 104 October 2015. (Read/Download)
“Terra Nullius", Magazine of Constitutional
Court of Indonesia, No. 102 Augustus 2015. (Read/Download)
“Plea Bargaining", Magazine of Constitutional
Court of Indonesia, No. 100 June 2015. (Read/Download)
“Konstitusionalitas Ambang Batas Pilpres (Constitutionality of the Presidential Threshold)”, Magazine
of Constitutional Court of Indonesia, August 2013. (Read/Download)
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